Sunday, May 29, 2011

Cupid Training Stand

The striking of hearts requires well-rounded, continual practice!

:) Hello everyone. Week 56 of Project Themeory had as its theme Deathly Dark Days. I interpreted this rather loosely and came up with a cute nightstand for aspiring Cupids. This item was originally meant to be morbid, with arrows actually piercing the hearts. I felt I needed to be true to the spirit of my work however, which is why it's turned out much more fun and whimsical. The Cupid Training Stand provides hopelessly romantic souls with the perfect form of target practice!

Sales poster. I rezzed a copy of the stand at my store as well, so you can have a look.

Close-up of the archery target, complete with tiny heart. I'd sculpted another heart in the past, but this one looks a lot nicer in my opinion. For a while I considered giving the target classic target colors. The pinkish/reddish works better though when taking the overall palette into account. I pay a lot of attention to color combinations, trying to balance things as much as possible.

A closer look at the spare golden heart that is suspended from a coat hanger. I tried adding more of these hearts, but it didn't do anything for the product. The prim count was already substantial, so I decided to just go for one.

The arrow lying on top of the stand. The pink sculpt is a little pair of wings, which has turned out rather abstract I suppose. I knew I wanted the arrow to be delicate and cute. The extra little details make it fit in better with the rest of the product I think.

That's all :D

You can pick up the Cupid Training Stand at my mainstore for only L$75. After this weekend it will go back into inventory, to be reworked for a re-release at full price.

P.S.: If you take pics of this product, please post them to the store Flickr pool. I will be rewarding several photos when I release my next product.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Zippy Bunk

Shhh... It's time for popcorn, stories and general mischief!

:D Hello everyone. This weekend brings a new Project Themeory event. The theme guidelines instructed us to "tell a story", in an artistic way. I took inspiration from my childhood this time and made a fun, colorful bunk bed. My sister and I shared a bunk until I was 10 or so, which was truly a multi-purpose piece of furniture. We used it as a life raft for our dolls during imaginary storms and tucked our blankets in-between the upper slats to create cozy fortresses. The bed itself was kind of bland, so I did my own take on it for this event. The Zippy Bunk has now arrived to address the real need for no-sleep, all-playtime beds!

Sales poster. I also rezzed a copy of this bed at my store so you can test the poses :)

A closer look at the zipper in front. I actually designed these sculpts ages ago for a product I ended up not releasing. I'm glad I was finally able to use them in a new creation, because I do think the mechanism is cute. I had fun fitting the parts together as well, for the blanket fortress. I like the way the fabric falls open right after the zipper slider. It looks quite natural.

A soft pillow on top. The bed has a total of 43 prims, but you could probably do away with a few if you have a limited prim count. The upper mattress has 4 slats for instance and the lower bed a headboard that is not immediately visible from the outside. I like things to look fully functional, which is why I add these little details. (I did not include slats for the lower mattress though, because no one would ever see these.)

Voilà, that is all! :D

You can pick up the Zippy Bunk at my mainstore for only L$75. After this weekend it will go back into inventory, to be reworked for a re-release at full price.

P.S.: If you take pics of this product, please post them to the store Flickr pool. I would love to see! I've really been enjoying the pics customers have posted of my previous release, the Carry-On Craft.