Even duckies of the plastic kind deserve warm, loving homes!
:) Hiya everyone. This week's Project Themeory brings us to the fair. One of the more well-known fair activities is the duck pond game, where children fish for duckies and exchange them for prizes. I did a twist on this theme by creating a cart where the duckies themselves are the prizes to be cherished. After all, aren't they just too darn cute? The Ducky Adoption Cart lends a helping hand to fair duckies in search of their forever homes!
Sales poster. I rezzed a copy of the cart at my store as well, so you can have a look.

Ducky on top of the cart. I think the duckies turned out cute, while still looking unique. I considered adding little hooks on their heads like they would have in the classic duck pond game, but it looked cruel in my opinion. The point of the cart is that the duckies are no longer slaves to the game. Ducky freedom now! :)

Two more duckies, relaxing by their little pool inside the cart. I originally wanted to make these green and purple, but I figured it was better to limit the number of colors used in the cart. It's easier to match things up and balance everything out that way. At least it is for me XD

The wheel base. My creations are always rather detailed and prim-heavy, so I tried to be smart about my prim usage wherever I could. There's a total of 10 wheel spokes for instance, but they're only 4 prims. I optimized in a few other places, bringing the total prim count down to 32.

There we are :D
You can pick up the Ducky Adoption Cart at my mainstore for just L$75. After this weekend it will go back into inventory, to be reworked for a re-release at full price.
P.S.: If you take pics of this product, please post them to the store Flickr pool. I would love to see!