There's lots of bows out there already, I know, but this is my own take on it and it turned out nice, if I do say so myself. I spent a lot of time on the textures, which I hope has paid off. The Little Bow of Cute comes in 10 delicious flavors, L$60 each, with permissions mod and copy. You can also pick up the fat pack, which includes all colors at a 50% discount, in separates and in one handy texture scripted bow as well. Gabriel Watanabe graciously provided the necessary scripting power :o

And with these bows I've officially run out of space at my mainstore. It's time to move to my own parcel and I will, very soon. I'm working on a store building and will hopefully be at my new place within two weeks. Announcements about the location will follow here and in my update group, which is now set up. (Non-SL group, there's a sign to join at my mainstore.)
Speaking of which: I have sent a Little Bow of Cute fat pack to one subscriber. This time the lucky winner is Vasean Talamasca. Congratulations! Hope you like them. I'll give away more stuff and to more people in the future, but the group has to grow a bit still.
That's all from me! Pick up your favorite bows today at my mainstore, my store at the Summer sim or on Xstreet.
Mainstore Location
Summer Store Location
The Little Bow of Cute on Xstreet: pink | red | green | gold | dark purple | light purple | dark blue | light blue | white | black | fat pack
P.S.: I was very sad to see OnRez go. I personally always preferred it to Xstreet/SLX and made more sales there as well, because I could advertise at nice rates. I'm not optimistic about Linden Lab getting a monopoly in this market and seriously doubt any good will come of it. But let's hope I am wrong (like many others thinking the same).