Monday, April 26, 2010

Writer's Pouch

A while back Enktan Gully invited me to join his Dollar$tore initiative and today I'm proud to announce my first contribution!

Enky's Dollar$tore, formerly known as Enkythings, is a place where new residents can pick up inexpensive clothing, hair, shoes and other items. I went there myself as a newbie actually, which is why I'm excited to now be giving back as a creator. Enktan is currently in the process of reorganizing the entire store. He's created a new format, where dollarbies will be organized by creator rather than category. It's a great idea in my opinion, sure to connect new residents with stores that reflect their personal taste and style.

So this is my dollarbie: a little Writer's Pouch. It's an idea I'd had since a while and considered turning into a regular release. It's kind of sweet I think :)

Outside view of Enky's Dollar$tore. This place has such a distinctive layout. I still remembered it after 3 years! Ahh, those good old newbie days :)

View of the new Designers Section, which is filling up nicely. For now I'm on a little table because I have just one contribution, but future dollarbies of mine will go up here as well.

My little table. So cute! I hope this item will, in a small way, help support the location. All revenue from sales goes towards maintaining the sim and giving out L$1 payments to random newbie visitors.

That's it =^.^=

My Writer's Pouch will be permanently available at both my mainstore and Enky's Dollar$tore. At my mainstore you can also gift, like with any of my other releases. Hope you guys like! Feel free to submit photos of yourself wearing this item to the store Flickr pool.